Types of Website Design

The main types of modern site design are the form or general structure of the future web page. This is the foundation that a web designer must style, fill with content and make user-friendly. Types of site design are:

  • Tough – tabular page structure with clear placement of fixed-size blocks. A simple, and therefore in demand basis, on which a huge number of sites have been created;
  • Flexible (rubber) – placement of information blocks in this type of web design is also tabular, but the size of the blocks itself changes directly depending on the size of the user's screen;
  • Combined – the optimal basis for creating sites. By combining rigid and flexible types of web design, this framework allows you to keep the user's attention;
  • Polygraphic – this form is mainly used to create advertising or corporate websites. Its structure resembles a printed booklet or magazine;
  • Dynamic – difficult to develop, but with the proper skill of the webmaster, this type can become a chic basis for an interesting site;
  • Text (informational) – this type of basis is most often used by online publications that attract visitors not with a visual picture, but with a clear presentation of content.

The presented types of site design are key and allow the designer to create a web resource in accordance with the wishes of the customer and the technical task. However, the initial form of the page – this is not even half of the job, it is only the first step towards the completion of the task, because now the ready base needs to be styled.

Styles of Internet sites

The style of the created website should meet the interests of the target audience, have an attractive artistic component, and also fulfill the task assigned to it – sell, inform, locate. The main styles of modern Internet sites:

  • Classic – the classic presentation is distinguished by a clear structure, the presence of a menu and a header, standard fonts and a soft color scheme. In general, it is characterized as a representative page with an optimal combination of informativeness, elegance and convenience;
  • Minimalism – the main feature of this style is ndash; brevity No extra "chips", flickering details and annoying kaleidoscopes of pictures. The content is presented concisely and simply, the main idea is expressed with the help of two or three images, the palette is limited to a minimum of colors;
  • Art deco – sites in the Art Deco style are characterized by a constant game of contrast, which is balanced by carefully designed usability, otherwise visualization can eat » all functionality. A combination of large and small images, a desire for a well-thought-out geometry of the page – this is what distinguishes Art Deco;
  • Corporate – the main task of corporate style - ndash; company presentation. In fact, it is permissible to use any elements that can correctly represent and position the customer's company. Everything will rest on the profile of the company, and the tasks that the site should perform;
  • Informative – imagine any news site or serious online publication – this is an example of informational style. Clarity of presentation, fonts without fancy, but not boring, photos or pictures in the topic, attractive titles. This style can also be used for business cards or portals.

Of course, the above styles of internet sites are presented – it's just a "gentleman's kit" that every web designer should own. In fact, there are many more styles of modern website design, and their number continues to grow. So if you manage to create your own unique style that is recognized by the public and professionals, maybe it will be named after you and appear in our next article.

Competent combination of look and style of web design

A combination of form and style – the key point of a web designer's work. There are situations when the task set by the customer requires the use of poorly compatible type and style in terms of perception. For example, to make an informative website on a dynamic basis, that is, to build a clear structure of information submission on a constantly changing platform. This is, of course, only an example, but the essence of the thought is clear.

When creating a site design, always try to ensure that there is harmony and unity between the form and the content, based on the central idea and the expediency of the existence of this web resource. When developing the concept of the future website and clearly fulfilling the tasks set in the technical task, the main thing to remember is that the assembled page should first of all attract the visitor.