Designer and customer – nuances of communication

Designer and customer – nuances of communication

When a designer and a customer meet, the first thing a webmaster has to do – it is to find out two nuances:

  1. The customer imagines how the site will look;
  2. The customer has no idea what the site will look like.

The second option is much better for the designer, as it gives more freedom of action. But if you are faced with the first option, then ask to show where your client got these ideas from (the probability that he independently invented the concept of the site is the same as with proof of his guilt in case of failure).

The second thing a web designer should take care of – the target audience and the specific purpose of creating the site. To clarify the information about CA, it is best to contact the manager or administrator of the company for which the site will be made – these people communicate with their customers every day and will be able to give the most accurate information about what the customers want. But the question of the work direction of the web resource needs to be decided precisely with the client, because completely different approaches and tools of influence are used for presentation, advertising or sales.

In essence, site design, or rather any brief that precedes a precisely formulated technical task, begins precisely with these two points. If these two issues were not resolved at the beginning of the cooperation between the designer and the customer, then the subsequent work will turn into torture for the performer.

When developing the technical task, a lot of attention should be paid to the specific wishes of the customer. The web design of the site, built taking into account the wishes of the customer (which do not contradict common sense and will not make the site a set of meaningless blocks and pictures) will have a good effect on the karma of the designer, because the customer, being satisfied with such attention, will definitely recommend your company as true professionals of his affairs. .

Of course, both customers and designers are completely different people, but if you manage to dot all the “and” at once, you will save your own time and effort. 

And one more thing – don't be afraid to cancel the order. If the customer is a tyrant and doesn't know what he wants, but at the same time demands that you do everything "perfectly"; – send him to the competitors, let him suffer there. And raise the price of your services – people willing to pay good money usually know exactly what they want and are much more pleasant to work with.